Our Focus

CBGF seeks to invest between $5 million to $20 million in profitable or near profitable mid-market companies with $5 million or more in annual revenue, a demonstrated growth trajectory and business model, and a clear vision for future growth. We target growing companies across industries based on the following criteria:

What We Do

  • $5 to $100

    Million of Revenue

  • Profitable or near profitable businesses

    (12 to 24 months to breakeven)

  • 10% to 40%

    Minority Equity Stake

  • Entrepreneurial Management Team

  • $5 to $20 Million Investment Size

    (common, preferred shares or debt), either as a lead or with partners

  • Based in Canada

  • Significant Expansion Opportunity

  • Management buyouts


What We Don’t

  • Start-ups & Unproven Business Models

  • Controlling Equity Stakes

  • Buyouts

    other than Management buyouts and leadership transitions

  • Resource Extraction, Real Estate, Cannabis, crypto, gambling, or munitions


Typical Investment Structure

We take pride in making the investment process efficient and cost-effective. Our investments are typically structured using preferred, common share or debt instruments that can be tailored to align with the goals and balance sheets of the companies we invest in. CBGF is also able to provide secondaries to shareholders within the context of a growth capital transaction (MBO/succession or transition).

Why Partner With CBGF?

think big
think big

Thinking big is exciting. But after all you’ve accomplished, taking the next big step forward may feel a bit daunting. CBGF was created so you don’t have to do it alone. A partnership with CBGF brings capital, support, and experience to the table, allowing you to pursue your big ideas with confidence and to discover what your business can become.

Think BIG – We’ll help you succeed.